Average NBOT/Promotional Stats

So I was recently hired at Allied as an account manager for a 466 account. Anyhow, when I was hired we were one of the worst sites in the branch (and enterprise accounts)with about 15% NBOT average, high turnover, low morale and the client was close to not renewing the contract. In the last 4 months or so I have gotten us to be the top branch in Heliaus score, one of; if not the lowest NBOT sites in the branch and for our enterprise accounts. The client has expressed how happy they are with me as AOP but I want something more and more $. I feel like I want to take the next step and attempt to get a Director of Operations spot or something similar but don't know if that's a reality since I haven't been here long? I have a bachelor's degree and was in LE for 14 years and have about 10 years of direct leadership experience.

Those that have made the jump or been around longer, is it worth it? Am I being too ambitious ?

I haven't seen my GM or Operations director in any capacity since I started other than on emails and feel that I would succeed in that position from a leadership and business perspective.