Liver issues

Hello everyone I'm looking for a solution and I'm desperate. My dog(bichon frise-10y)has liver problems and I have done the tests 5 times and they always fluctuate. I can't figure out where I'm doing wrong. He also did urine tests, glycemic test, ultrasound 3 times. He receives liver supplements, grain food and wet food for liver problems. When he was tested the first time, he also had sand in his bladder, so the first time he received urinary treatment and royal canin urinary food, which was changed to royal canin liver, now that I have redone the tests and they are as bad as in December, even in February after 3 months of urinary food, the analyzes were much better, not perfect but twice as good. The liver supplements were given daily, I give them at the vet's recommendation, hepatic forte liquid, a capsule from vetexpert. Now she is 100% on liver food, she is doing as bad as in January and only the grains have been changed. What analyzes should he do? The vet and I don't understand what's wrong and I think he thinks I'm not following the diet even though I'm very strict. Thanks if you've read this far and any ideas are helpful!Below I leave the analyzes that came out particularly bad, so there are more markers in the list: 1. Alanine aminotransferase (GPT/ALT/ALT) 507 (result) value range acceptable: 8 - 125 IU/L

  1. Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT/SAT/AST) 58 is the result < 50 IU/L should be within the acceptable range

  2. Uric acid (URIC) is <10.00 and a good value is just below but not too low < 60 umol/L