boomtown revelations
my first boomtown is now (sadly) complete and i i’ve had a revelation i never imagined id be having post boomtown.
i don’t want to do drugs anymore.
going into boomtown, i was prepared to go hard and came very much prepared for that. i planned to take it easy on wednesday and thursday and only have a few drinks and maybe a bump or two of coke towards the end of the night for a little energy boost. i stuck to that.
on friday i had a few bumps of mandy. it was great at first. however, i found myself getting back early as i got a headache and didn’t feel great. on saturday i decided to try half of a 2cb (have never done this before). i made the mistake of dropping it along with a mandy bomb and long story short, did not have the best time and went back early again. on sunday i tried some mandy again but it didn’t really hit so i spent the whole day sober and stuck to energy drinks (also graced my friends with discounted k and free bumps of other bits and bobs).
looking back, i had the best time when i wasn’t on anything. it was actually the days were i took drugs where i needed to go back early because i was tired/unwell. it was so nice being able to wake up in the morning and not feel like death. i noticed that by the evening on sunday, most of the people i was with (along with a lot of other people in the crowd) were absolutely shattered and were barely making it through the day. i also found that because i didn’t get absolutely fucked up, i was actually able to eat and remember to fuel my body properly. coming back home and not being on a massive come down has been the biggest blessing.
i have previously been to a rave sober (well, semi sober as i did have one vodka red bull if we’re counting that) and still had a great time. its really nice knowing that i am also able to enjoy boomtown like this, and will definitely be staying away from drugs next year. as long as the music and vibes are good, you pretty much feel fucked up anyway! just remember a few red bulls and the occasional sit down break.