Reps response to my question of "What is going on with the team right now."
Saw the thread about Verhulst the other day and the resulting comments about TSMs lackluster (i am calling it lackluster even though they are in a damn lan spot lol but they aren't playing to the teams standards or the fans expectations) play. I decided to spend my sweet sweet reps channel points and i asked "What is going on with the team right now? Why do you think you all aren't playing to the level you have before?"
His response to me was that they are not comfortable on their current characters. They lack the confidence they had with the previous gun meta/character meta because they were so used to playing it, and that this big of a switch in playing just takes time. He said That they need time to perfect the chemistry of the comps they are running on the maps.
Just something that was on my brain as i was browsing this sub.