I need input on my situation

I was offered a job for $20 an hour to feed clean and exercise a woman’s horses. She has eight, one of which is a stallion. She is probably in her 80s and seems very nice, but she literally does not stop talking. She repeats herself over and over even though I’ve shown that I know what she’s talking about and have retained the information. I’ve been working with horses since 2007, I’m not beginner by any means. Between yesterday and today, I’ve spent 16 hours at her house. I only asked her to pay me nine of them because she talked so much. When I said that it was nine hours between yesterday and today she damn near had an aneurysm saying that she expected to only pay me for one hour each day. Saying that it’s feasible to feed, water, clean an entire barn and exercise eight horses in one hour. Am I crazy for thinking that’s impossible? There’s 6 stalls plus the hallway and she wants all the outdoor mats raked of poo and mud every day as well. On top of that, feeding her cats, and giving medication to three horses. She feeds Timothy hay in the barn, about 1.5 flakes per feeder, two feeders in each stall. Then , 6 locations throughout the field need 2 flakes of alfalfa, because she does a “ virtual grazing program” (I swear if I hear that term one more time I’m gonna pull my hair out)

Would you try to meet in the middle? Would you run for the hills? I want to like her, but she’s an incredible micromanager, talker, and definitely has undiagnosed ADHD.