Scav Karma on PvE is a joke [Discussion]

With the way the AI works right now, scavs and PMCs chillin buddy buddy, it makes engaging in any fighting at all a no go situation. I killed a group of PMCs on my scav, only to find one of them, wasn't a PMC at all. Just a scav, running around with a group of 3 PMCs without a care in the world. They were voice lining and killing things, so I assumed the group was ALL PMCs. So I put them all down. Only to go loot the bodies and find one has no dog tags, and is just a scav. I lost -0.04 rep for killing 3 PMCs and 1 Scav. Where's my positive karma for killing the PMCs who were murdering other scavs? Thats 4 additional scav runs to make up for that loss since we can only ever get 0.01, unless you can somehow finagle a co-op extract or get lucky enough with the car spawns.

EDIT: I'm getting a LOT of comments just saying "Why are you running your scav at all in PvE?" Theres lots of different reasons. One of the main ones honestly, is it gives me more diverse practice in situations I would never willingly put myself in as a PMC. I don't ever run busted guns with no armor on my PMC, so when it happens on a scav, and I get into a fight? It's like a hardcore training session. If I can succeed there, then the PMC kit should be easy right? Along those lines. If you're just mad at the mere concept of a scav run on PvE though, get help man, why does it bother you so much?

But the main thing was that karma loss. As others have mentioned, in PvE you do NOT get any positive karma rep for killing PMCs. Even if they have killed half the map in front of you, the positive rep gain that takes effect in PvP does not apply. This is a super simple fix I would think, that would majorly affect these types of scenarios, and make the bad AI feel less slimy. It wouldn't fix the behavior issues at its base, but at least I wouldn't have loss karma for killing 3 PMCs and 1 singular scav.