[Loot] Hit Interchange for your LCDs and Military Cables

Spent far too many raids hitting the known spawns at Lighthouse and Reserve for the Cable, and all the Drawers at Reserve for the LCDs, to get nothing at all

Took a break from them for Interchange and had 3 LCDs and 1 Cable within 3 raids.

Spawns for me were:
1x Cable in Techlight
1x LCD in German
1x LCD in Rasmussen
1x LCD on the shelves in the room next to computers in IDEA

Be sure to check Techlight, Texo, Rasmussen, German, the unnamed (according to this map) store opposite Kostin/Across from Emercom, and the shelves above if you're stuck on these items for the event

This was in PVE but I imagine the PVP loot pools are similar