Is there a specific event that affected our entire generation but for the most part just passed you by with hardly any knowledge of it?

This might sound ridiculous because it was literally everywhere and it’s still discussed today but for me, it would’ve been the O.J. Simpson trial.

The murder took place the same night that I graduated high school. I had already enlisted in the army and four days after graduation was into Boot Camp. Any contact with the outside world was extremely limited. After two months of basic training, I ended up in Fort Gordon in Georgia. I was stationed there until Thanksgiving of 98. During those few months, my platoon was pretty much on lockdown because of a couple of particular individuals inability to follow the rules, take orders or listen to our drill instructors and civilian training staff. After being home for a couple of weeks I was put on a plane and sent over to South Korea and pretty much lived on a mountain for the majority of 1995.

Now I had heard people mention it or would see a random news paper clipping but the internet was in its infancy but I honestly really had no idea how big of a deal it was turned into by the media. I just wasn’t ever exposed to it. When I came back from South Korea at the end of 1995 I remember being out with a couple of friends and it was all they would talk about. I honestly really didn’t get it, but I watched the series recently on Netflix that goes back and discusses the case and I can see now why it was a big deal for that time.

What do you think is one?