Progesterone suppositoy fell out

Hello! I have an embarrassing question and hope someone can help me. Yesterday, I started using progesterone vaginal suppositories. I inserted one yesterday, but I don't think I put it in far enough. My fiancé made me laugh, and it kind of burst out, which made us laugh even more! 😀 It had only been in for about 10 minutes before it burst out. I put it back in, but my fingers were all smudged with the white substance. Did some of the medication go to waste because I touched it? It seemed like there was quite a bit of the gooey white stuff. Also this morning, I had to insert another one at 8 AM. I went to the bathroom again at 9:30 AM and noticed quite a bit of discharge in the toilet. Is the medication falling out again? Sorry if this is a funny question.