Here to talk about Wintersun
Do any of you listen to these guys? I’ve been a fickle fan of theirs since about 2005. They were a part of my catalog back in the Limewire days when I had a brief but intense Viking Metal phase. I’ve still enjoyed their music here and there over the decades casually. But. This “Silver Leaves” song just popped up on my Pandora and I think I’m actually in love with them now. It sounds of the Orient and the Baltic blended with care and rapture! Someone tell me. Is the rest of this album as enchanting as this track is?
Do any of you listen to these guys? I’ve been a fickle fan of theirs since about 2005. They were a part of my catalog back in the Limewire days when I had a brief but intense Viking Metal phase. I’ve still enjoyed their music here and there over the decades casually. But. This “Silver Leaves” song just popped up on my Pandora and I think I’m actually in love with them now. It sounds of the Orient and the Baltic blended with care and rapture! Someone tell me. Is the rest of this album as enchanting as this track is?