Favorite Luna skin so far?

Honestly, I have a tough time deciding on a favorite here. I currently use Mirae 2099, but I think all of Luna's skins so far are really good. Default is already really good and the recolor is probably one of my favorite recolors in the game. I like the fancy look of Shining Star and its MVP screen. I dig the colors, hair, and futuristic style of Mirae 2099. Also love the emote and MVP screen for it.

Honestly, I have a tough time deciding on a favorite here. I currently use Mirae 2099, but I think all of Luna's skins so far are really good. Default is already really good and the recolor is probably one of my favorite recolors in the game. I like the fancy look of Shining Star and its MVP screen. I dig the colors, hair, and futuristic style of Mirae 2099. Also love the emote and MVP screen for it.