Bleeding at 5 weeks and concerning ultrasound
Hi Reddit,
I had a 5 day euploid, 4BA blast put in on the 15th of January through a private IVF clinic. I am supposedly now 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Anyway, On Sunday night I started bleeding rather a lot so we went to A&E. They examined me and found that my cervix was closed which is a good thing. But there was a fair amount of bleeding and clots. They also took a blood test and my pregnancy hormone HCG is still sky high at 8614 which indicates I am still pregnant.
But in the morning I went for a scan at the NHS early pregnancy unit, and the obstetrician there told me that my gestational sac was measuring a week behind what it should be. And that it didn't look hopeful... but when I spoke to my ivf clinic, they said at 5 weeks it's unlikely to even see the embryo let alone measure it. So it's not accurate at this stage. They also said at 5 weeks you don't always see a fetal pole or yolk sac either, and that bleeding with an ivf pregnancy early on is common.
My bleeding stopped just before my ultrasound yesterday morning and I am now only having some light brown spotting/discharge.
I'm just wondering why this obstetrician that performed my ultrasound would be so negative about the findings when it's good that the fetus/embryo was even visible!
Also wondering has anyone else had a similar situation and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy?