Questions before buying

Hi !

I moved into new house few months ago now, and not quite happy how this first winter is going on speaking on my heating system, so I am currently looking over improving it. I'd like to buy a Tado X system, more precisely I'd like to buy a new wireless central thermostat paired with radiator thermostats.

Before buying, here are a few questions :

  • Are those out-of-the-box compatible ? or do they need a bridge to connect them ? I saw that they exists in packs but I have found mixed answers online.
  • If one of my radiator is set to 22°, and the central thermostat is set to 20°, how can I give the "priority" to one or another ? Or vice-versa ? (I am referring to this feature by NetAtmo :)

  • What about the support ? How good is their customer service ?
  • How easy is it to install it over a previous installation ? I'm quite handy but I never worked on a heating system.
  • Before finding about TADO, I was more interested in NetAtmo, and people online were very happy about NetAtmo's heating learning algorithms. Does Tado X have such features ?
  • My current thermostat is a wired Honeywell. Can I just buy the Tado X Wireless and connect the receiver to where the previous were ?

Thanks, have a nice day.