I'm Embarrassed
Naperville Conservatives
Are There Really People Who’ve Never Read Harry Potter?
Red Bull Confirms Iced Vanilla Berry will be Permanent
albums i think are 10/10
albums that fucking SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are stuck in the last game you played except in impossible hardcore. Choose 2 superpowers to survive
Which artists/bands do we have in common?
How many Redbulls do you consume on average daily?
Am I the only one who enjoys pretty much all flavors of Red Bull fairly equally? I'd happily finish any flavor that was handed to me.
Fuck this dumb little cunt I want to punch him in his fat fucking face
Redbull taste :/
50 protests in 50 states: thousands of Americans march against Trump
Which age got you?
Government handouts for me, but not for thee.
It can't be true that only 3.44% of players hit level 50.
What are some signs of bad parenting?
Anyone know what this dude is wearing?
Make an assumption about me based on my current car CDs
What Chapter Is This In I Don't Remember This?
Chat is this canon?
My attempt of dividing the USA by states as an European
What is your 2018 AOTY
My 91 year old great grandpa’s voting history throughout the years
Me after leaving the gunsmith in Valentine after donating nothing to camp