Looking for general reading!
Anything I need to know?
(updated) DNA Results (Mexican & Native)
Updated DNA Results (Mexican & Native)
Can wisdom teeth cause acne?
Name Translation?
Are there any Chichimeca/indigenous communities Mexican-Americans can take part in?
Do you know how to get the track of any Selena's song to sing your karaokes? :D I'll teach you
How do you think Selena’s image has changed over the years?
Could there been anything done differently to save her life?
What do you think Selena's day to day was like?
Poor Oral Hygiene can cause Acne
Are there any current celebrities that remind you of Selena?
Spotify Wrapped
Is it possible to tell if I’ll need to remove the whole wisdom tooth or just do the gum removal? I have a dentist appointment next week but figured to ask here anyways
Hot take/Unpopular opinion on Selena?
Does anyone know when the Selena museum is the least busy?
Senior Cat Tips?
I would love to know who my doppelgänger is!
What Generation of Mexican-American was Selena?
Where's Everyone From & How'd You Discover Selena?
Got my DNA results! Always told growing up I was Mexican & Ojibwe
First time doing Embroidery! Not the best but happy to say I did it :)
How much Selena Means to me!