There is no queer liberation without end of imperialism, colonialism, Brahminism, capitalism and patriarchy.
My first time Birthday as a Girl!
drew lines that i quote constantly
changing gender marker/legal name on US passport and OCI card?
Hard Rock Nick has passed away.
Drip 💧 #Technoblade25
Favorite Danny Line/Quote
Why don't people with scitzophrenia ever have voices that encourage them?
spotted in the wild
First dream i've ever had involving danny
has drew ever made a video with his brother
my favorite bits that danny has lost his shit laughing at
taking care of poodle's hair?
Fave “bit” from Drew?
can you help an injured bug?
can you bandage or help an injured bug
my mom’s reaction to Danny’s skits
is it weird to tell unhoused people “have a good day”
Voice type question
I really hope danny has seen this I think about it so much