No one is looking at this, but if you are: welcome 🎉 to a place both dull and firefightey
What movie really didn’t deserve the hate it got?
I'm italian and I like to answer questions about my country. Everything is appreciated! AMA
I have 20/10 (or better) vision but terrible hearing. AMA!
guys help I think I'm a serial crusher
Does she like me? What do I do?
Help me please I need it so bad
Throwback to the time I thought racism didn't exist anymore.
The politics subreddits on here suck
I have touched grass again
The word "travelling" is better than "traveling"
Does anyone have a million crushes?
One of these are lying to me.
Rage induced rant
I'm so excited to start my life
Sheer, glossy lipstick reccomendations
I need good quality lip balm recommendations!
Total Makeup Noob
Crafts like altoids wallets?
My beat friend's beauty standards are the complete opposite of me
Why do guys buzz their hair when it’s so luscious
Sleeping with socks on is a superior style of sleeping
If you could be in any genre of film or television, what would you choose?
What was your "love will find you when you least expect it" moment?
My sister just had a baby!!!