My ISFJ Dad made me rainbow spaghetti once. 😁
If you’re “soooo smart”, then why aren’t you rich??? 🤣
Fun fact: my ISFJ Dad knitted a tiny sweater for one of my naked rats once. 😁
Are you going to take it seriously now!?!?
Who do you think is a covert narcissist? Are there any famous people you think or are pretty sure they have NPD?
Apparently following MBTI or Carl Jungs is offensive. Has anyone else heard of this?
He’s so dumb
Does anyone else find a lot of the intuitive subs fake and cringe? Like some kind of circlejerk
The Types As "Today I Learned" Posts
Isfj’s in what ways do you display or use creativity?
Repzion fights Onision, yes please.
it's a very very... mad world... 🌀
Can we just speak bluntly? Trump and Elon are bad people.
Meme subtly roasting INFPs
terrified of being a bad person
Ah yes.. Main Character syndrome at it's finest
Feeling a Little Down, Wanna Share Songs and Talk?
Which MBTI is most likely to be a cult leader?
Which type do you feel furthest from?
The Types ranked from most to least ‚object attached‘
Couldn’t relate to INFP much lately, so I redid the test. Guess I‘m packing now.
INTJ or INFJ? How to tell the differences?
See how united we are when pushed?
Something isn’t right, but I can’t put my finger on it…