Bench techs ordering patient tests and entering diagnosis codes
what’s the weirdest bacteria you’ve seen in an unexpected collection site?
Every hospital always losing millions…It’s BS right?
How to build confidence as a new grad training?
Purchased Kayenqo Mold Kits - not sure what type of agar. Can you tell if there is black / toxic mold on these plates? Water damaged wall & floor boards.
I love molds
Drowning in Blood Cultures
What happened to the anaerobe?
Mold ID
Clinical microbiologists - maldi tof workflow ideas
Gram Stain/Identification Question
When do you use indole broth test instead of spot indole test?
Help Identify misc fungal spores
Etiquette of flatulence in microbiology?
How to go from MLT ASCP certified to MLS ASCP certified in NY state?
Strep Bacteria Longevity
Urine micro
Cocci or rod? It is under negative staining.
Opened new bottle of decolorizer, did a couple stains, and went to lunch. Came back from lunch, and it’s pink now. Wat.
How do we get MA to become a state requiring licensure?
Why are my zone of inhibition results so funky
Help me identify
Help ID these aquatic critters? Worms? Rotifers?
Help identifying
high paying lab jobs that doesn't require me interacting with patients....