Are there any other (indie) games that capture that same magic and gameplay loop as Ape Escape?
What is your favourite obscure Mario enemy?
I love when Parappa goes angry mode
If you had a genie that gave you 1 Riverdale related wish, what would it be?
What was the saddest ending in a Saw movie for you?(for me it's Spiral because Zeke straight up watches his dad die and can't do a thing about it 😞)
What's a movie musical that deserves a stage adaptation?
My fav 30 and 50 year old characters <3
Is there any show that could fill the Riverdale-shaped hole in my heart?
The Chronicles of Oz might be one of my fav adaptations
I kinda miss when godzilla looked like a 0 braincell little kitty
Favorite Godzilla collab in a video game?
Is Gridlock one of the most underrated NuWho episodes?
What game won you over because of its amazing sound design?
What’s a game that has really pulled you back into gaming?
Unreal Tournament soundtrack remixes by the original composers just dropped.
Which version of Godzilla is the definitive version of him for you?
Decision-making game about being a president. Playtest is open - need your feedback!
Fluffy trees, using custom shader that turns quad mesh into billboards