What we thinking?
Favorite Luna skin so far?
So when does the Miku mod drop?
Your favorite Dad? (Also how much do you agree here?)
What’s your rarest figure? I’ll go first.
Favorite quote from Aligned Megatron?
What do you think would happen if they met?
Just wanna drop this here and show appreciation to one of my favorite movies ever!!
He was surviving on prayers and dumb luck
Day 2: Made to be hated
Everyone’s moved on …
They get to spend the rest of their living sharing sunsets together. (Everlark)
12 reasons why I should have been with Lucy Gray instead of Snow
Thoughts of Caesar Flickerman?
She didn’t stay in charge for very long…
What if Disney got ahold of The Hunger Games?
“When you say…”
The set I received for my birthday this year:
It's evolving but backward.
Favourite police character
This is your next flight. Which row do you pick?
When did Shockwave had a cute barefoot anime girl as a daughter?
Snow and Coin fighting for who the worst president is
Favorite "Doctor" characters?
Favorite king character
Favorite Teacher Character?