Thoughts on these Albums
Is Deathcore Metal or Not. I keep seeing arguments on both sides and I’m confused now
Stuff you can’t stand in metal? Personally for me it’s album covers with gory artwork. I just get sick seeing gore
Thoughts on these three blue albums? They’re some of my favorites.
Comment the most recent album you listened to. Most upvoted gets added. Day 1
What’s your favorite/the best metal album art?
Which metal subgenre you cant listen?
This probably gets asked a lot but what bands do you not like that a a lot of ppl do?
New Helix LT owner here, need help with making deathcore tones
What’s your Super Destroyer called?
Watch out for this likely insta scam for a Nightreign playtest
What’s missing from my collection?
What is this, and should I go see a doctor about it
What is this on my thumb? slightly raised and skin color unless under heat, then it turns white. Small black or brown spot off center. I just wanna know if I should go to a doctor about it.
Recommend me songs or artists
Rate My taste 1-10, and guess my age
Opinions on these albums
Tell me what your favorite game
Which one of these legendary deathcore bands is better?
Pls recommend me something to listen to🙏
Who’s writing the music for this album?
Any helldivers fans here?
Now let's go with the opposite of what I asked yesterday. Bands where a member who is not the singer is the most famous?