DX; Deep Debugging and my new favorite System Property
Stifle Hungry Tasks using BuildService
Fleet 1.45 Is Here With Auto-Import for Gradle, Improved Preview for Markdown, and More Enhancements
My 2 cents for the Android Studio anniversary
Groovy Who? Exploring Declarative Gradle
Android Studio’s 10 year anniversary
Becoming a KMP Expert – Talking Kotlin #136
How 'Hot Reload' is implemented for Compose
Koin Framework 2025 Roadmap: From 4.0 to Future Milestones
Dispatchers.Unconfined and why you actually want EmptyCoroutineContext
Kotlin Library Friends - Using the Internals
Conservative Librarian - Hold Back For Your Users To Flourish
Just-in-Time Tooling with Mermaid, Kotlin & JUnit
Guards and Pattern Guards
Mutable Types in Wire
Ghostty 1.0
8× faster 5× memory savings with Dan Rusu’s Immutable Arrays
Compose Multiplatform 1.7.3 is out
Introducing Fleet’s New Islands UI
Reverse-Engineering the Compose Compiler Plugin: Intercepting the Frontend
Naming is Hard
Say Hello to 'Compose Hot Reload' (Firework)
How we think about Threads’ iOS performance
TypeAlias Show - Direct Swift Export, Pattern Guards, and more
What's new in CameraX 1.4.0 and a sneak peek of Jetpack Compose support