suicide is cultural appropriation now.
A magyar kiskereskedelem zuhanása volt a második legrosszabb adat az EU-ban
Azok az emberek, akik azt mondják, hogy "ha a magyarok vennék a fáradságot, hogy elmenjenek szavazni, Orbánt legyőznék", egy alternatív valóságban élnek?
I was just prescribed an SSRI for depression. Is it safe to take with kratom? I'm an everyday kratom enjoyer.
How to overcome the “guilt” of using kratom…
For Kratom users with/or anxiety and depression
In 1943, up to four million Indians starved to death when Winston Churchill diverted food to British soldiers and countries such as Greece while a deadly famine swept through Bengal.
The amazing prosthetic makeup in 'The Whale'
The debate goes on…
Got medication today
Please tell me someone else experiences this
Money Well Spent
Time to reevaluate some priorities
Who is your favorite childhood superhero?
Life is a video game and you write a review for it. What will you write?
Is drinking alcohol on an empty stomach bad for you?
What would some of the celebs’ alternative jobs be if it wasn’t for their current one?
IKEA és fenntarthatóság
Same sense of humor
It's becoming more like the show every day
This is pure gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣