What's the most normalized addiction?
What's your current ADHD hyperfixation?
AMA: I'm a clinical psychologist and professor of psychiatry who has studied ADHD for three decades. Ask me anything about ADHD.
I’m surprised I made it to 18 alive
What OSCE station can’t you seem to forget?
Can this happen because of ADHD? What do I do?
What phrase do non-ADHD people tell you that pisses you off the most?
What character resembles you most?
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
Keeps failing to import cards?
Need help navigating, help?
Burnout is a B
How do you manage the sheer amount of content
Does egg nog help you float?
How did life change after getting a diagnosis?
What is your reason for not drinking alcohol?
People with ADHD who have to study frequently, how do you do it?
Do you think people are losing the ability to genuinely connect in person? Does it make you worried about humanity?
Do you believe in God?
How to cope with limerence?
Can money solve all your current problems in life?
Do you sauna after swimming or vice versa
What are some possible OSPE stations for Endocrinology and Musculoskeletal?
What would be the 1st thing that would happen if aliens invaded Earth?
How do you cope with stress?