1 month physique changes
195lbs > 137lbs in 16 months
Glute growth in one month
F/25/5’4 [195lbs > 148lbs = 47lbs] (14 months) Progress photos
F/25/5’4 [196>164=32lbs](9 months) GW: 140lbs
Thinking about switching to WW from Noom
1 point big breakfast!
Should I use my weekly points?
Turkey breast with mashed cauliflower/potatoes and sautéed brussel sprouts with gravy!
Weight fluctuation before loss
Salmon with sautéed corn, mushrooms, eggplant, crowder peas, and red potato
I adopted a dog yesterday and I’m overcome with guilt and sadness
Healthy dessert alternatives that are not fruits
Things to distract me until i get my results
Weekly "I Think I Have It" Thread - Week of June 07, 2020