Do you ever find that the only reason you’re still alive is because
Tell us one thing you said to a client today completely devoid of context.
The Ransom Note: Original Plan Abandoned
What can a therapist offer that studying can’t?
Has anyone tried Need reviews!
Young client with food phobia
Meet the queen of the ‘trad wives’ (and her eight children)
Rick's Crispy Chicken.
Therapists with multiple income streams, what are they & what % of your total income do they account for?
Best Art Museum in Central Illinois?
Restaurants with board games and other activities?
Where to find old pantograph articles
Best realtors in the area? (Desparate)
Other review sites
If my website and voicemail clearly state that I am not accepting new clients, should I still be obligated to respond to messages where people are requesting services?
Anyone else get this yet? It said it was shipped but no tracking was added and I still haven’t received it.
Podsnark Aug 07 - Aug 13
Help with how to structure 'waitlist' and ethics around it
Missing good worship music
I’m look for podcasts that discuss Non- disclosure agreements in the church as well as any resources if you get asked to sign one in order to receive severance
Podsnark July 10-16
30-50 [telegram] dis-Loyal married chat group
Summer TIBAL