Songs that namedrop the album but arent named after the album
song titles that list 3 things, one of them being Sex
Found when I first ever listen to H•A. Think I might be an OG.
(#3) Mulberry street and The outside are 70s, whats the most 80s sounding tøp song?
Thank you - TW SUICIDE
somebody has a gun
Songs to float in space to
Can’t Wait
Cheerful songs that talk about pulling off your skin
Trying to get a TØP fan from every country
What's your favorite song to play on the Ukulele?
Thinking of getting this ukulele. is it worth it? (price is AUD)
“The ____ song”
Anyone know why Cole’s Waurn ponds was shut early today? Saw a singular cop car and one cop.
Why is arrow the song of choice for this?
Who's your celebrity crush?
Music recommendations?
My fav asian restaurants in Geelong
HELP!! i’m going to a party with the theme “musicians” and i wanna go as josh.. i need good looks to recreate that will be good for a party i was thinking the tank tops he’s been wearing recently but…
Best pharmacy in Geelong?
Can anyone think of minor additional things EA need to add that drive you crazy?
Getting a squier Tele what ‘beginner’ pedals should I get?
Getting a squier Tele for my birthday. What pedals should I also get?
i dont want to live like this anymore !!
Can it be used away from home/where the PlayStation is?